A systematic Benchmarking on the performance of Spark-SQL for processing Vast RDF datasets

This project is maintained by DataSystemsGroupUT

Query Performance for Configuration Combination

The following figure quantitatively shows the impact of certain query over the selected confguration combination. We can notice sevral interesting points:

spark Confguration Combination Query performance

spark Confguration Combination Query performance in Percentages

The following figures show the best and worst confguration combinations for running the SP2Bench 11 queries. we run our experiments 5 times, and we take the average run time. In particular, these figures show the experiments results ordering the confguration combinations from the worst performing (leftmost) to the best performing one (i.e. rightmost). Three horizontal lines represent the maximum (squares red line), average (triangles yellow line), and minimum (diamonds green line) performing confguration.

Q1 spark

Q2 spark

Q3 spark

Q4 spark

Q5 spark

Q6 spark

Q8 spark

Q10 spark

Q11 spark