A systematic Benchmarking on the performance of Spark-SQL for processing Vast RDF datasets
This project is maintained by DataSystemsGroupUT
Hardware and Software Configurations: Our experiments have been executed on a bare metal cluster of four machines with a CentOS-Linux V7 OS, running on a 32-AMD cores per node processors, and 128 GB of memory per node, alongside with a high speed 2 TB SSD drive as the data drive on each node. We used Spark V2.4 to fully support Spark-SQL capabilities. We used Hive V3.2.1. In particular, our Spark cluster is consisted of one master node and three worker machines, while Yarn is used as the resource manager, which in total uses 330 GB and 84 virtual processing cores.
Experiments: we investigate systematically the pitfalls behind implementing these optimizations over SparkSQL. We compare ExtVP with VT and WPT with PT considering (1) three different partitioning techniques, i.e., Horizontal, Subject-based, and Predicate-based partitioning and (2) five different storage formats, i.e., ORC, CSV, Parquet, Avro, and Hive.
100M Results[Horizontally Partitioned]
Avro Short
100M Results[Predicate-Based Partitioned]
Avro Short
100M Results[Subject-Based Partitioned]
Avro Short